We Got a Camper!!

Ahhh! We got a camper!!

We flew to Montana early in the morning. It was my first flight without a child since 2014 and our first trip alone since being parents, and it felt surreal! I think I just sat in silence the whole time. I didn’t read, didn’t look at my phone, just stared out the window. Simply because I could. I didn’t have to give anyone snacks, or take anyone to the bathroom. I just. sat. there.

It was weird. (and awesome)

When we landed we met up with the owners. They were the sweetest and picked us up from the airport, camper and all. We went to a nearby restaurant to take a closer look, have some lunch, and ask some questions.
It was raining, it was snowing, all depending on the moment.

Once we had everything in line and paperwork in place we made our way to the next town. We weren’t originally planning on sleeping in the camper the first night. We flew there with nothing but a backpack of clothes, but one hour before REI closed we grabbed a sleeping bag and heaters, grabbed pillows at target, went to the grocery store, and made it happen!

This has been a long time dream for B. He has wanted a VW bus since before I met him. He also really wanted a camper and had been talking about it for years. So we kinda married the two and got this Vanagon Westfalia (1982). And while this was a Buddy dream, I grew up with old VW’s so this process has been really fun for me too.

As far as Westfalias go the 80’s just got it right. Now, the 60’s and 70’s were majorly cute, but we were looking at the actual experience of use and you can’t beat this interior layout! We really want to get out there with this thing and take our kids on adventures.

Speaking of kids, we also felt it to be a perfect time for this camper. Our daughter is 7 and our son is 3 (will be 4 this summer!). They are at such fun ages, yet not in the baby phase any longer. We’ve always embraced the stage we are with them. I soaked up every drop of the baby/toddler phase and now I’m ready to soak up the fun kid phase.

These are the magic days.

One of the highlights of this trip was our last night, camping at Lake Powell (above). It was last minute, but it all worked out. It was beautiful and and the air was crisp. We saw the most stunning moonrise and I can’t wait to experience more nights like that one.

So up next? Getting this gal a tune up. And shopping for camper things. I’m excited to thrift for kitchen wares! I’m on the hunt for a cutie vintage kettle and dishware. (morning tea is obviously a priority) As far as the fix up it’ll be a project for sure, one that B is over the moon to take on. She’s got original paint and needs some body work, but is in overall really good shape!
We’re excited to make this camper our own.