Thoughts | I just want something real!

I have felt tired of social media. Instagram has felt disconnected and dead. Did you know that you too can have a blue check overnight? with the monthly payment of $14.99… once I got that notification I was * officially * tired and took a break. There’s facebook, and twitter, and tiktok, and something called threads and lemon8 (no really) and apparently snapchat still exists.

There’s so much shoved into everything (features + filters + photoshop) and yet most things are feeling empty. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still beauty to these networks. I’ll find myself inspired and amazed too. It’s just less often these days. Pinterest is the only exception.. I love it there. But it’s not a social network so I suppose it doesn’t count.

Also, AI seems to be taking over everything we look at and read. Whether a room or a person or a video or an article. Is it real? Not sure. It’s getting harder and harder to tell, and if it weren’t for the hashtag #AI on visual outlets, I don’t think I’d ever really know.

I realized last year that all of this it’s why I’m moving further and further away from editing or filters of any kind. I just want something real. I want to see what something or somewhere or someone ACTUALLY looks like. You may notice it’s mostly phone snaps here on the Whitefeather journal and this is partly the reason. I want real snaps of real things that aren’t perfectly edited.

I just want something real! I think on some level we all do.

photos above: a couple moments that felt real. 1. a quiet evening tea time 2. a family pizza night that was so fun!