Thoughts | Moroccan Mint Tea + Realizations

I was sitting in the living room, enjoying a cup of mint tea. Sitting all alone, it was a moment of peace. Something I had craved. And then I thought of my children. When they’re older and on their own, how many moments I will have to sit alone and have tea. And then I ached. I already miss them. And they are still tots sleeping in the room just steps away. I have them. NOW. I have them. “drink this in. drink this all in” I said to myself. “Embrace this season. Embrace exactly where you are”.

A realization that every moment. Every. Single. Moment. Is fleeting. Not one thing we come to know stays exactly the same. And all we can really do at the end of the day, after we’ve planned, tried, and tweaked.. is BE. Be exactly where we are and embrace every moment of beauty we can get our arms around.